weLcomE to My bLoG..enJoy iT!!..


Rabu, 20 April 2011

my HoMework


Question:: If you were going to travel around the world, what is the most important thing that you’d bring with you? What would you not leave home without, and why?!
Answer:: That thing is mobile phone. Because my mobile like my life.. :D
 whenever I go, I am always bring it. Mobile is the most important thing after wallet, I think. Without it, I am sure will feel panic because with mobile u can do anything, call or message friends, family, also searching anything especially when u were going travel u need it for not only communication but also when u were getting lose
you could access the presence of you and tell your friends where you are.

Selasa, 05 April 2011


The Lingo: Maps
a.    Globe: (n) a round map that looks like the earth
b.    Atlas: (n) a world map
c.     Compass: (n) an instrument that always points north ; it’s used to find your direction
d.    Continents: (n) the 7 large areas of land that all countries in the world are found on
e.     Nation: (n) a country; or a group that is made up of one people

Worldwide English
“let’ s just take British and American English for instance”
American English           British English
Apartment                      Flat 
Bill (Money)                 Note
Cab                               Taxi
Candy                            Sweets
Cookie                           Biscuit
Drugstore                      Chemist
French Fries                Chips
Mad                              Angry
Movie                           Film
Pants                            Trousers
Restroom                       Toilet
Chips                             Crisps
Trash                            Rubbish
Vacation                       Holiday

Australian English ( Phrases Mean)
a.    Beaut= Lovely, Nice looking
b.    Bloke= Guy
c.     Burl= Try
d.    Chuck= Throw away in the garbage