weLcomE to My bLoG..enJoy iT!!..


Rabu, 20 April 2011

my HoMework


Question:: If you were going to travel around the world, what is the most important thing that you’d bring with you? What would you not leave home without, and why?!
Answer:: That thing is mobile phone. Because my mobile like my life.. :D
 whenever I go, I am always bring it. Mobile is the most important thing after wallet, I think. Without it, I am sure will feel panic because with mobile u can do anything, call or message friends, family, also searching anything especially when u were going travel u need it for not only communication but also when u were getting lose
you could access the presence of you and tell your friends where you are.

1 komentar:

  1. Hi! I think we all love our mobile phones these days - and they can be useful. See you tomorrow in class for your term test : )
