weLcomE to My bLoG..enJoy iT!!..


Rabu, 08 Juni 2011


May, 2011
It’s easy to stop being interested in the world because we think we know everything that we need to know. But what about the things that others can teach us? Confucius ( Kong Zi) said: “When I’m in a group of two or three, one of them can be my teacher.”
            Write about something that you learned from a friend. How has what you learned changed your life?
Answer::         every day I learn new things from people around me. One of them, I learned from a friend of mine. He told me, that ever thing you do, think of that as if the job is your last job. Then it will make you try to work with the best. He also said that always learn to enjoy whatever you can do because it will make your life always be filled with joy. I learned this from my friend and eventually this could change my life for the better.


01st June, 2011
  1. What are some of the more important lessons that you’ ve learned?
Answer::         I learned many new things as long as I follow the ICEE program. I got the knowledge about how to speak good English, learn the culture outside the country, find new friends who have a different character. All provide hospitality and sincerity. All the time together will be sweet memories for me and not forgotten. Happy and proud to have friends like the people in the ICEE.

  1. How have you changed because of them?
Answer::         I can better appreciate the people around me. I am more able to understand the differences that exist in my neighborhood. keep to understand each other so that a good relationship is maintained and preserved.
Read phonetically


18th May, 2011
Religion plays a major role in shaping cultures and even entire civilizations. If religion is so important in understanding people, then it’s vital to have an understanding of the different kinds of religions. What do you know about the major religions of the world?
Answer::         All religions are essentially the same. Religion is a form of one's belief in God and to guide us in life. Through religion, one's personal set up and taught how to use our lives a blessing to others. Even in this world there are different kinds of religion, but I believe there is no religion that teaches bad things. The goal all together is mutual respect each other and keep to create prosperity in each our environment.


25th May 2011
“Our greatest strength as a human race is our ability to acknowledge our differences, our gretest weakness is our failure to embrace them.” (Judith Henderson)
“Much of the vitality in a friendship lies in the honoring of differences, not simply in enjoyment of similarities.”
Think of your roommates/ close friends. How are they different from you? Why is it good that all of you are different in some way?
Now, think about this in a broader sense: why is it good that not every race and culture in the world is the same?
Answer 1:: I have a friend. We're good friends for almost a year. during which I learned about the character himself. There are some differences between myself with him. The most different thing is how in talking with a very loud voice not only with me, but also with his ​​friends. I do not know the truth, but many people who say that speaking out loud is a form habits of people originating from the same area with him. While I was coming from areas that differ with him, very rarely to talk loudly to others because it is considered very rude. I often warn my friend that such attitudes are not particularly well done in public. This has been embedded in him so it is very difficult for him to get rid of the habit. Slowly I learned about him and try to understand and appreciate him. He is a good friend and always concerned with the genuine interest in others.
Answer 2:: I think the difference is beautiful and interesting. The world was created with people of diverse and different cultures. Of the many differences, we can learn many things from our surroundings. Differences are teaching us to understand and appreciate each other. Differences also gives us the opportunity to complement each other so our lives have a beautiful color-lovely.