weLcomE to My bLoG..enJoy iT!!..


Rabu, 08 Juni 2011


01st June, 2011
  1. What are some of the more important lessons that you’ ve learned?
Answer::         I learned many new things as long as I follow the ICEE program. I got the knowledge about how to speak good English, learn the culture outside the country, find new friends who have a different character. All provide hospitality and sincerity. All the time together will be sweet memories for me and not forgotten. Happy and proud to have friends like the people in the ICEE.

  1. How have you changed because of them?
Answer::         I can better appreciate the people around me. I am more able to understand the differences that exist in my neighborhood. keep to understand each other so that a good relationship is maintained and preserved.
Read phonetically

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